Raggle Cards Brand Identity & eCommerce Website

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Raggle Greeting Cards Brand Identity & eCommerce Website

Pete Thorpe is a commercial photographer based in Bristol UK. In 1989 with his rescue terrier Paddy as the most unlikely of models, he began creating Christmas cards as a promotional piece to send to clients.

Visitors to the studio would be welcomed by a tail wagging Paddy, who would then rather confusingly, bear his teeth and snarl as they attempted to stroke him. With time and patience, some would witness his gentle side. To all who met him, Paddy the perfectly compliant model added an extra element of humour.

When Paddy passed away in 2002 the Thorpe family adopted another rescue terrier, the much gentler Raggle, who after making her debut in 2004, soon became a star in the making…

“So 2 dogs , 3 children and 25 Christmas’s later, creating these images have become something of a family tradition and a lovely record to treasure. The fun for Pete has been to continue to create these traditionally rather than with Photoshop, by making my own sets and props”

A little food bribery has managed to keep Raggle calm and attentive for the brief moments she’s on set!

